When deciding whether to register for any one of these training programs, here are some questions to ask yourself:
1. If I take this program now, what will it cost me now?
2. How would it benefit me? What opportunities would open up for me now and in the future?
3. If I don't take it, what will it cost me now? What will it be costing me in the future? What opportunities would I be losing?
Email me at if you need help deciding on the right course.
What people are saying about Be Heard! Be Understood!
Be Heard! Be Understood! Accent Reduction Self-Study
This workshop contains Life-time access to course material, videos, audios with crystal clear instructions/demos, downloadable reference material, 5 Modules - Voice, Consonants, Vowels, Pronunciation, Grammar and many more.
Be Heard! Be Understood! Accent Reduction (Cohort-Based Training)
For those who speak English as a second language, do you know that
Most of you have a larger vocabulary than most native-English speakers
Not all native English speakers speak English well or pronounce words correctly?
Most of you want to ‘sound’ like native English speakers?
Most of you say you want to eliminate your accent?
As an Accent Reduction and Communication Coach for over 20 years, I’ve had discussions with many professionals about their newcomer experiences.
Grammar Simplified
This workshop contains 10 modules addressing grammar rules on sentence structure and 7 parts of speech. The activities will also help you to expand your vocabulary and improve your spoken and written communication. Each module has activities to be completed plus the results. When you register, you will have immediate access to all the modules and you work at your own pace.
Mispronounced and Misunderstood
Over 1150 words are mispronounced or misunderstood because the users are not familiar with them, don't use them often, or are not taught how to pronounce them correctly. Included in this list are 120 homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings and are spelled differently. The audios for all the words are included.
Vantage Point For The Workplace
In this subscription-based training, you have at your fingertips 48 tips on specific topics relating to the workplace and questions to prompt self-reflection. You will learn how to strengthen your relationship with your coworkers, take control of your career, your image, and reputation and how you could be sabotaging yourself. The self-reflection will help you to define your career direction. It is easier for your boss to guide you if you know what you want.
Smartly convert your many challenges into opportunities to grow.
Public Speaking Simplified
Most people think public speaking is speaking from a stage to a large group of people and so they say they don't need to learn it. However, it is used in all your interactions. When your message is clear, there is less misunderstanding. When you are confidently saying what you mean and meaning what you say, you are more respected and noticeable.
“Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The following instructor-led workshops are available on Zoom for groups:
Public Speaking Simplified
Networking Simplified
Grammar Simplified
Be Heard! Be Understood! Accent Reduction
How Culture Affects Your Communication
Develop A Questioning Mindset
Impression Management