I Design my future
SIGNATURE PROGRAM: 'I Design My Future' was developed on two premises:
Each one of us has ‘emotional baggage’ that is sabotaging some area of our lives and we will reach a point of seeking change.
For change to happen and sustained, it must start with changing the way we think before taking any outer action.
This program is developed to help men and women define who they want to be and how they want to be treated so they are not controlled, taken for granted, mistreated or abused. Over five phases, they learn how to act assertively in every situation and command the respect they deserve. It holistically addresses their self-image through self-awareness and communication training.
You rebuild esteem and confidence to replace self-doubt and low self-worth.
You take control of your life and not be dependent.
You expand your thinking so you can exercise choice rather than habitual thinking.
You love and value who you are and do not depend on external validation.
Email info@clearlyspeaking.ca for next dates.
“For people who are complaining about the same situation in their life without doing anything to change it. Because the course looks at what situations are staying the same because of long-held beliefs.”
“An opportunity to evaluate myself and discover/change habits that are preventing me from achieving my goals and aspirations to be the best I can be.”
“Getting to know myself and pulling away curtains of long-held beliefs from childhood.”
“If you think you know your life, think again. Many ‘aha ‘ moments.”
“For everyone who wants to take their “I want, I hope” and put into steps to take actions and make changes.”
“I started implementing changes after the first day. I am seeing situations differently and getting more assertive.”
“At the first session of I Design My Future, I was asked “do you believe in yourself?” my resounding response was “yes”. I was so wrong!
Gloria Pierre has the ability to guide you to examine your thoughts, your beliefs and your goals in a non-threatening environment and to evaluate what you always thought you knew and helps you come out on the other side with a sense of purpose and clearer view of what you want your future to look like.
I would highly recommend this program to any woman who is seeking clarity and the ability to truly design her future.